Imad Omer

Imad Omer
University of Anbar · Department of Political Science

Doctor of Political Sciences
College of Law an political Sciences / University of Anbar Political Sciences Department


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lecturer of political systems at university of Anbar/ collage of law and political science/ department of political science


Publications (4)
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This paper deals with the important role of technocrats in the occupation of sovereign positions in the government. It is considered a very important factor that contributes to achieving goals that are in the interest of the state. When a technocrat is chosen, distinguished technocratic elites, who have experiences that their peers do not possess,...
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The research deals with the impact of the nature of social and political formation in the orientation towards extremism through tracking the institutions and beliefs that the individual is going through. The role of the family, the group, the school, education, and religion has been touched upon in acquiring the trends of extremism, whether publicl...
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تواجه اليات العدالة الانتقالية في المجتمعات المنقسمة الكثير من التحديات وذلك لخصائص محددة تتسم بها يجعل تطبيق اليات العدالة بشكلها القانوني التقليدي ضمن السياق الدولي يتعرض لإخفاقات متعددة منها عدم القدرة على بناء ذاكرة الجماعية ، وممارسة الاليات بشكل يوحي بانها تطبيق لعدالة المنتصر، وكذلك عدم ملائمة الحلول الجاهزة او المستوردة مع بيئة الصراع فكثير...
